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Our first ever post!

Its finally here, our first ever post on our first ever website….. Although it's still under construction our web shop is open for business! Our “Notions” and “Paper Piecing” are ready for purchase and the fabric is getting ready for its debut. Our bright and vibrant fabrics are taking a little longer to get ready than we thought but as is typical of a woman; its not how long she takes its how she looks that’s important!

Our land based shop is also on its way [we hope], we are waiting for our local council to give us their seal of approval for a retail outlet – so WATCH THIS SPACE.

We have lots of exciting plans for the shop when we do finally open, but we can only let you in on one of them at this stage – we will be having what we call our Friday "Cake o'clock".

Come along with or without your sewing just to enjoy our Friday wind-down with other like minded people. Enjoy a cuppa and a piece of cake and we will show you any new products or fabric that have arrived during the week. Bounce ideas off others or solve a problem you may have with your latest project. It’s our way of thanking you all for your support. We will also be posting a “Cake of the Month” recipe. And just to kick it all off here is our first recipe. A favourite of my Wednesday sewing group.

The Quilt Shop Fabric Stack

© 2024 by The Quilt Shop

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